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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003163Slicer4Module DICOMpublic2018-03-02 11:06
Reporterinorton Assigned Tonicole  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version 
Target VersionSlicer 4.5.0-1Fixed in VersionSlicer 4.5.0-1 
Summary0003163: Export from DICOM browser

It would be very helpful to have export-to-directory capability in the DICOM browser.

I need to select a series and have "export" copy the original underlying files to a specific directory, preferably with a configurable naming/numbering convention.

I read that integration with the "Create DICOM Series" CLI module is planned (also helpful), however this copy-export feature is distinct and hopefully simpler.

TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0003910 closedpinter Fix compilation warnings in DICOM export code 




2013-06-12 06:40

administrator   ~0008756

Yes, being able to export to named files is a great idea.

Regarding the "Create a DICOM Series" module, that is included already, but can no doubt be improved. You need to select a study in the tree, then right click to get the context menu and then pick Export to Study and pick the to export. See the screenshot here:



2013-06-12 08:23

developer   ~0008757

Oh, that's great - the export button was grayed out, and I had not tried the context menu. One issue with the context menu is that it re-runs the "Checking ..." business every time the study name is clicked, which can take time for a large study and leads to weird UI behavior (ie the context menu appears somewhere else if the mouse is moved).



2013-06-12 08:29

administrator   ~0008758

At the last CTK meeting we worked on a new set of widgets to replace the tree view and that should improve the overall behavior:

Regarding the export, it only lets you access the fields from the Create a DICOM Series module - hopefully that's enough for real world use, but if you see issues with that let me know.



2014-02-12 10:52

developer   ~0010584

context->'Export to study' does not work in current trunk.



2014-02-12 12:08

administrator   ~0010585

Yes, that got lost along with the Delete option in when switching from the tree view to the browser tables.

Alireza and I went over the code this afternoon so maybe he can re-enable the export at the same time as the delete operation.

On a related note, I was able to open source a small script I developed a while back that implements a kind of pretty-print named file organization for dicom files [1]. It might be useful on it's own, but the code could also be used to create the export directories from the database.

This should be easy to do now that pydicom is included in the default slicer build:



2014-09-22 07:30

developer   ~0012581

I'm working on a comprehensive DICOM export mechanism in Slicer, see
This will be my primary focus for the next months (besides other work of course), so hopefully it will be ready for testing soon.

Please comment on the plans if you have additional needs.



2014-11-13 12:59

developer   ~0012694

Implemented, see



2014-12-01 14:29

developer   ~0012741

Last edited: 2014-12-01 14:36

Feature added in commit
Please consult the Labs wiki page in previous comment and try exporting DICOM to local folder (by changing output directory)



2015-01-08 10:53

developer   ~0012862

@inorton: Any luck trying it?



2015-09-01 10:30

administrator   ~0013250

I'm working on another right cilck context menu item for the CTK DICOM browser and was asked to add this feature in as well, see discussion here:



2015-10-06 15:31

administrator   ~0013349

Last edited: 2015-10-06 15:44

I've used the Qt toLatin1() string converter for creating driectory strings from the DICOM metadata, is that safe enough?



2015-10-08 08:07

developer   ~0013363

@nicole I'm not completely sure, but I think at the moment toLatin1 is safe, as this function is used at many places in the code for casts and conversions.
There are still issues with character coding and interpretation of patient name tags etc, so until they are being addressed, toLatin1 should be OK to use.



2015-10-08 08:36

administrator   ~0013364

Last edited: 2015-10-08 08:43

Andrey was worried about the undefined behaviour for certain strings, so since it's a low precision directory structure conversion, I did a straight up character replacement for anything non alpha numeric.
About to push one more commit to export studies and patients as well.



2015-10-08 08:43

administrator   ~0013365

That sounds a bit over-cautious to me. Maybe we can have a default mode where it tries to write all characters except the ones that I flagged in my code dicomsort linked above, but then a more compatible option that replaces all alphanumeric characters. I think it can be confusing to people when dashes, periods, commas, and other common characters are converted to an escape sequence.



2015-10-08 11:04

administrator   ~0013366

@pieper: Your code[1] replaces period and commas:
underscores = r"""+`~!@#$%^&*(){}[]/=|<>,.":' """


  1. call toLatin1 to get rid of international characters, then replace the characters listed above with underscores.
    1a. call toLatin 1 to get rid of international characters, replace question marks with underscores, leave other characters alone.
  2. replace all non alphanumeric characters with underscores.

The replacement strategy needs to leave the directory separators and the dashes and periods used to build up the directory paths and file names.

I'd prefer to have a single strategy to keep it simple, users can rename the directories if they wish.

[1] link for ease of finding it again:



2015-10-08 11:31

administrator   ~0013367

Currently using this naming convention:
targetDir +



2015-10-08 11:55

developer   ~0013368

Sorry guys I've been missing on all the action by not monitoring this issue!

  1. On the issue of toLatin1(): I discouraged Nicole from using it because the documentation raised a red flag for me: "The returned byte array is undefined if the string contains non-Latin1 characters. Those characters may be suppressed or replaced with a question mark." The way I read it, the result is undefined, based on the first statement. It is not either...or in the second one. But it is probably my poor English that confused me, so I am perfectly fine if we use toLatin1().

  2. I suggest that naming convention should use study date and series number before the descriptions. The reason is that it is natural to want to sort the result in case of multiple series/studies, and descriptions are more likely to be garbled than numbers/dates. For the patient name, I thought maybe it makes sense to include PatientID (no strong opinion)? I also would prefer not to include series description in the file name to keep it numbers only. Note that InstanceNumber may be missing or blank, and then we are screwed, since files will be overwritten. So I would either use the sequential number, or the instance UID as the file name.

Based on the considerations above, I suggest the naming (note I added extra directory level to separate files in series):



%PatientID-%PatientName/%StudyDate-%StudyDesciption/%SeriesNumber-%SeriesDescription/<sequential file number within the series formatted to %06d>.dcm

@pieper, @pinter: what do you think? Let's try to close this topic. If you have strong opinions about any of the above, please suggest an alternative. We need to move on to other things.



2015-10-08 15:28

administrator   ~0013369

Seems fine to me !



2015-10-09 07:37

administrator   ~0013373

@fedorov: for the sequential file number, did you mean to use the file name from the original database file?



2015-10-09 07:39

developer   ~0013374

No, when I said "sequential file number", I meant if we have 10 files in the series, we will name them 000000.dcm, 000001.dcm, ..., 000010.dcm.



2015-10-09 07:40

developer   ~0013375

correction ... the last one should have been 000009.dcm ;)



2015-10-09 07:51

administrator   ~0013376

I was worried that I wasn't going to get the files in the scan order, but they do contain that information in the dicom headers so it should be reconstructable, correct?



2015-10-09 08:02

developer   ~0013377

I would not worry about this. The user should not rely on ordering of slices by file name for volume reconstruction.



2015-10-09 08:11

administrator   ~0013378

Okay. I'm currently generating paths that look like this:
05223-0502-00027-05223-0502-00027/20090320-PET^1_PETCT_WB_AC (Adult)/4-PET WB
for a test volume where the patient name and ID are the same.



2015-10-09 08:13

developer   ~0013379

This is fine by me.



2015-10-09 08:37

administrator   ~0013380

Directory and file name changes pushed to my CTK topic branch:

Any other feedback before I squash, rebase and do a pull request?



2015-10-09 08:41

developer   ~0013381

Can I stop by to see a demo? I don't have time to make a custom build of Slicer to test this.



2015-10-09 08:48

administrator   ~0013382

Sure, before 12:30 or after 1:30 would work.



2015-10-09 09:31

developer   ~0013383

Feedback based on the demo:

1) use sequential numbers for file names, to avoid over-write
2) give visual notification to the user in case export failed
3) show popup box indicating that export is in progress instead of freezing the main app



2015-10-09 13:17

administrator   ~0013384

Done, squashed and rebased:
Rebuilding from that repo inside of Slicer then if that's fine will do a pull request on CTK.



2015-10-09 13:34

administrator   ~0013385

Pull request:



2015-10-21 11:47

administrator   ~0013390

Had some discussions with Steve and JC about recovering gracefully from failures, having options for the export directory structure, but those will get pushed to the next version of the export. Pull request integrated in CTK:
Pull request to update CTK version in Slicer:



2015-10-22 12:30

administrator   ~0013391

Slicer pull request intgrated:;revision=24654

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-06-12 06:29 inorton New Issue
2013-06-12 06:29 inorton Status new => assigned
2013-06-12 06:29 inorton Assigned To => pieper
2013-06-12 06:40 pieper Note Added: 0008756
2013-06-12 08:23 inorton Note Added: 0008757
2013-06-12 08:29 pieper Note Added: 0008758
2014-02-12 10:52 inorton Note Added: 0010584
2014-02-12 12:08 pieper Note Added: 0010585
2014-04-16 05:16 pieper Assigned To pieper => mehrtash
2014-09-22 07:30 pinter Note Added: 0012581
2014-11-13 12:59 pinter Note Added: 0012694
2014-12-01 14:29 pinter Assigned To mehrtash => pinter
2014-12-01 14:29 pinter Note Added: 0012741
2014-12-01 14:29 pinter Status assigned => resolved
2014-12-01 14:29 pinter Fixed in Version => Slicer 4.4.1
2014-12-01 14:29 pinter Resolution open => fixed
2014-12-01 14:36 pinter Note Edited: 0012741
2014-12-01 19:24 jcfr Relationship added related to 0003910
2015-01-08 10:53 pinter Note Added: 0012862
2015-09-01 10:30 nicole Note Added: 0013250
2015-09-01 10:30 nicole Assigned To pinter => nicole
2015-09-01 10:30 nicole Target Version => Slicer 4.5.0-1
2015-09-01 10:31 nicole Status resolved => acknowledged
2015-09-09 08:28 jcfr Fixed in Version Slicer 4.4.1 => Slicer 4.5.0-1
2015-10-06 15:31 nicole Note Added: 0013349
2015-10-06 15:44 nicole Note Edited: 0013349
2015-10-08 08:07 pinter Note Added: 0013363
2015-10-08 08:36 nicole Note Added: 0013364
2015-10-08 08:43 pieper Note Added: 0013365
2015-10-08 08:43 nicole Note Edited: 0013364
2015-10-08 11:04 nicole Note Added: 0013366
2015-10-08 11:31 nicole Note Added: 0013367
2015-10-08 11:55 fedorov Note Added: 0013368
2015-10-08 15:28 pieper Note Added: 0013369
2015-10-09 07:37 nicole Note Added: 0013373
2015-10-09 07:39 fedorov Note Added: 0013374
2015-10-09 07:40 fedorov Note Added: 0013375
2015-10-09 07:51 nicole Note Added: 0013376
2015-10-09 08:02 fedorov Note Added: 0013377
2015-10-09 08:11 nicole Note Added: 0013378
2015-10-09 08:13 fedorov Note Added: 0013379
2015-10-09 08:37 nicole Note Added: 0013380
2015-10-09 08:41 fedorov Note Added: 0013381
2015-10-09 08:48 nicole Note Added: 0013382
2015-10-09 09:31 fedorov Note Added: 0013383
2015-10-09 13:17 nicole Note Added: 0013384
2015-10-09 13:34 nicole Note Added: 0013385
2015-10-21 11:47 nicole Note Added: 0013390
2015-10-22 12:30 nicole Note Added: 0013391
2015-10-22 12:30 nicole Status acknowledged => resolved
2018-03-02 11:06 jcfr Status resolved => closed