View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002537Slicer4Core: Scripting (Wrapping, Python)public2017-06-07 23:27
Reportermgrauer Assigned Tojcfr  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product VersionSlicer 4.1.1 
Target VersionSlicer 4.3.0Fixed in VersionSlicer 4.3.0 
Summary0002537: expose output and error logs to the object

I'd like to be able to access the error logs from Python, currently these are not exposed.

TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0001349 closedjcfr Error icon is missing from main window 




2012-09-25 07:10

administrator   ~0006202

Within ctkErrorLogModel:

  • clear() should be a slot

  • The associated API could also be updated to expose the following methods:
    int numberOfEntries()
    QString getEntryDescription(int index)
    QStringList getLastEntries(int savedNumberOfEntries)

// -------------------
1) To obtain the list of entries after running a given module/function, the following could be done:

int numberOfEntries = errorLogModel->numberOfEntries();

// run process

QStringList errors = this->getLastEntries( numberOfEntries );

May be "getLastEntries" could also take a parameter allowing to filter the type of entry that should be returned ?

// -------------------
2) To obtain the message as they come, a signal named "entryAdded" could probably exposed. May using the existing signal "rowsInserted" could be sufficient.

This would need further investigation and test to find out the appropriate approach.



2013-08-20 11:44

administrator   ~0009532

Change currently being reviewed - See



2013-08-20 15:28

administrator   ~0009538

Fixed in r22304



2014-03-06 04:56

administrator   ~0010828

Closing resolved issues that have not been updated in more than 3 months



2017-06-07 23:27

administrator   ~0014609

Fix committed to 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file branch.

Related Changesets

Slicer: 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file cfacb19c

2013-08-20 19:27:13


Details Diff
BUG: Add error log button to mainwindow

Each time a Warning/Error/Fatal message is logged, the tool button
associated with the error icon is highlighted.

If the user either

(1) click on the button


(2) focus on the error log widget in case it was already visible, the
icon associated with the tool button is "un-highlighted".

Fixes 0001349
Fixes 0002537

git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee
mod - Applications/SlicerApp/Resources/UI/qSlicerAppMainWindow.ui Diff File
mod - Applications/SlicerApp/qSlicerAppMainWindow.cxx Diff File
mod - Applications/SlicerApp/qSlicerAppMainWindow.h Diff File
mod - SuperBuild/External_CTK.cmake Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-09-18 13:06 mgrauer New Issue
2012-09-18 13:06 mgrauer Status new => assigned
2012-09-18 13:06 mgrauer Assigned To => jcfr
2012-09-18 13:58 jcfr Target Version => Slicer 4.3.0
2012-09-25 07:10 jcfr Note Added: 0006202
2013-08-20 06:46 jcfr Relationship added related to 0001349
2013-08-20 11:44 jcfr Note Added: 0009532
2013-08-20 11:44 jcfr Status assigned => feedback
2013-08-20 15:28 jcfr Note Added: 0009538
2013-08-20 15:28 jcfr Status feedback => resolved
2013-08-20 15:28 jcfr Fixed in Version => Slicer 4.3.0
2013-08-20 15:28 jcfr Resolution open => fixed
2014-03-06 04:56 jcfr Note Added: 0010828
2014-03-06 04:58 jcfr Status resolved => closed
2017-06-07 23:27 jcfr Changeset attached => Slicer 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file cfacb19c
2017-06-07 23:27 jcfr Note Added: 0014609