View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003236Slicer4Core: Building (CMake, Superbuild)public2013-12-04 12:50
Reporterjcfr Assigned Tojcfr  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version 
Target VersionSlicer 4.4.0Fixed in VersionSlicer 4.4.0 
Summary0003236: Build curl with OpenSSL support

Use official curl project hosted on github instead of cmcurl

TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0002998 closedjcfr Integrate OpenSSL 
related to 0001718 closedjcfr SSL / HTTPS Issues with Python Interactor and QT - Windows 7 

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-07-19 18:47 jcfr New Issue
2013-07-19 18:47 jcfr Status new => assigned
2013-07-19 18:47 jcfr Assigned To => jcfr
2013-07-19 18:47 jcfr Target Version => Slicer 4.4.0
2013-07-19 18:48 jcfr Relationship added related to 0002998
2013-08-30 18:42 jcfr Relationship added related to 0001718
2013-11-25 05:24 jcfr Note Added: 0010372
2013-11-25 05:24 jcfr Status assigned => resolved
2013-11-25 05:24 jcfr Fixed in Version => Slicer 4.4.0
2013-11-25 05:24 jcfr Resolution open => fixed
2013-12-04 12:50 jcfr Note Added: 0010398
2013-12-04 12:50 jcfr Status resolved => closed