Slicer: 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file e5841531

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
naucoin naucoin 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file 2013-09-24 18:33:45 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file d19fd2ca
Affected Issues 0003417: Creating new point nodes in CLIs creates a Slicer3 vtkMRMLFiducialListNode

BUG: update the CLIs to create new Markup fiduicals from point node selector

The command line module GUI helper hadn't been updated to create Markups
Fiducial nodes by default when creating new nodes was enabled. It was still
set up to create Slicer3 vtkMRMLFiducialListNodes.
Now by default a vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode will be created when Create New is
Update the Markups module logic to detect node added events and add a display
node if not in batch processing, import or restore modes.
Updated the simple region growing segmentation help documentation to refer to the
Markups module.

Issue 0003417

git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee

mod - Base/QTCLI/qSlicerCLIModuleUIHelper.cxx Diff File
mod - Modules/CLI/SimpleRegionGrowingSegmentation/SimpleRegionGrowingSegmentation.xml Diff File
mod - Modules/Loadable/Markups/Logic/vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic.cxx Diff File
mod - Modules/Loadable/Markups/Logic/vtkSlicerMarkupsLogic.h Diff File