Slicer: 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file d48cf26f

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
alexy alexy 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file 2013-10-13 12:29:53 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file 599b6e42

BUG: 3416. Added generic mechanism for persisting node references in .mrml files.
References stored in the form: references="role1:id1 id2 iid3;role2:id3;". Note that for backwards compatibility the reference nodes such as displayable, transformable etc. still read/write their references the old way. Only custom references will use new syntax.

git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee

mod - Libs/MRML/Core/vtkMRMLNode.cxx Diff File
mod - Libs/MRML/Core/vtkMRMLNode.h Diff File