Import 2017-06-07 23:51:09: master 6611ef5f

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
jcfr jcfr master 2014-07-29 23:00:19 master c1dd6356
Affected Issues 0003741: On MacOSX 10.6, link error when building with VTK6

COMP: Fix VTK6 link error on MacOSX 10.6. Fixes 0003741

To reduce the number of libraries passed to the linker, this commit build
VTK6 with the VTK_ENABLE_KITS option enabled.

If building on MacOSX 10.6 without CMake 3.0, it also updated the build
system to output a fatal error message explaining that a more recent
version of CMake is required.

git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee

mod - CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - SuperBuild/External_VTKv6.cmake Diff File