Import 2017-06-07 23:51:09: master 0940a0a7

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
jcfr jcfr master 2014-12-10 16:29:20 master d0774029
Affected Issues 0003875: Import POINT data as a Markups Node

ENH: Update OpenIGTLinkIF: Improve support for POINT and POLYDATA message

Fixes 0003875 and 0003907

$ git shortlog 2ffd26b..d56c985 --no-merges
Junichi Tokuda (10):
ENH: Use MarkupsFiducial node for POINT messages
STYLE: Rename vtkIGTLToMRMLPointMetaList to vtkIGTLToMRMLPoint
STYLE: Rename vtkIGTLToMRMLPoint to vtkIGTLToMRMLPoints.
ENH: Initial implementation of the PolyData converter.
ENH: Export PolyData through OpenIGTLink. Attributes are not exported.
ENH: Export attributes. All features for the POLYDATA converter are implemented.
ENH: Simplify vtkIGTLToMRMLPolyData::MRMLToIGTL() using vtkIGTLToMRMLPolyData::VTKToIGTLCellArray() function.
ENH: Simplify vtkIGTLToMRMLPolyData::MRMLToIGTL() using vtkIGTLToMRMLPolyData::VTKToIGTLAttribute() function.
ENH: Clean up the code.
STYLE: Remove debug code.

From: Junichi Tokuda <>

git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee

mod - SuperBuild.cmake Diff File