Import 2017-06-07 23:51:09: master 4d20888b

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
jcfr jcfr master 2015-11-10 05:35:36 master 3f7c7cc6
Affected Issues 0004078: vtkMRMLNode::CopyWithScene is broken if called after the copied node has been added to the scene

STYLE: MRMLNodeTest1: Add test for CopyWithScene() node method. See 0003462

It allowed to identify the following unsupported case:

Calling CopyWithScene after the copied node has been added
to the scene will be problematic. In that case, (a) the source
and copied node will end up having the same ID and (b) the scene
cache and reference list won't be up-to-date either.

This is explained because the method CopyWithScene systematically
copy the nodeID from the source node without asking the scene
to generate a new one if the scene is set.

Issue 0004078 has been created to keep track of the problem.

git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee

mod - Libs/MRML/Core/Testing/vtkMRMLNodeTest1.cxx Diff File
mod - Libs/MRML/Core/vtkMRMLNode.h Diff File