Import 2017-06-07 23:51:09: master 1919b866

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
lassoan lassoan master 2015-12-04 11:33:09 master 9b2369b8

STYLE: No need to allocate vector and elements separately

Minor thing, just came across this while fixing the build error (which has been fixed in the meantime). I commit this anyway, it makes the code a little bit nicer.

git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee

mod - Modules/Loadable/Annotations/Widgets/qMRMLAnnotationROIWidget.cxx Diff File
mod - Modules/Loadable/VolumeRendering/Widgets/qSlicerVolumeRenderingModuleWidget.cxx Diff File