Import 2017-06-07 23:51:09: master b37fe1e3

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
lassoan lassoan master 2017-03-13 23:18:36 master 0f8ee7f1

BUG: Fixed SubjectHierarchy for nodes with SaveWithScene disabled

For nodes SaveWithScene=False, SH still contained a node ID reference in the scene. This caused incorrectly associating the SH node with an unrelated node existing in the scene with (accidentally) the same node ID.

When scene was loaded that contained invalid DataNode ID (because the node itself was missing from the scene) then the log message tried to print the DataNode pointer that was NULL, causing hang of the scene load (interestingly, the scene loading did not crash, probably some exception handler prevented that).

git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee

mod - Libs/MRML/Core/vtkMRMLSubjectHierarchyNode.cxx Diff File