Slicer: 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file 420a2929

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
johan.andruejol johan.andruejol 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file 2013-07-26 15:51:46 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file 222babc0
Affected Issues 0003253: Ensure style library are properly fixed up on MacOSX

BUG: Fix MacOS style library fix up

Following r22235, slicer couldn't start on Mac due to the style. In the
libraries fixup, the styles plugins weren't properly bundled.
Adding the style library fixes that.

Fixes 0003253

git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee

mod - CMake/ Diff File