Slicer: 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file 486fa12b

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
jcfr jcfr 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file 2014-01-14 13:58:22 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file b9dbe4e7

COMP: vtkPichonFastMarching - Replace finite() with isfinite()

finite() is not universally in the c standard.
isfinite is support in all c compilers since

As of Mac 10.9 under clang, finite() issues a
warning that it will be deprecated and that the
standards conforming isfinite() should be used.

From: Hans Johnson <>

git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee

mod - Modules/Scripted/EditorLib/Logic/vtkPichonFastMarching.cxx Diff File
mod - Modules/Scripted/EditorLib/Logic/vtkPichonFastMarchingPDF.cxx Diff File