Slicer: 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file c9b1e89b

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
pieper pieper 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file 2013-04-17 10:19:28 2145-support-for-installing-extension-from-file 9d396cb1
Affected Issues 0003076: Editor doesn't update scalar range

BUG: 0003076 make sure scalar range is updated after edit operations.

This new method unifies the updating of the image data and volume
node to trigger rendering. By calling modified on the point scalars,
this GetScalarRange call returns the correct data.

This is confirmed by looking at the results of the call after
editing in new colors as shown below.

l = getNode('*label')
(0.0, 15.0)
(0.0, 18.0)

git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee

mod - Modules/Scripted/EditorLib/ Diff File
mod - Modules/Scripted/EditorLib/ Diff File
mod - Modules/Scripted/EditorLib/ Diff File
mod - Modules/Scripted/EditorLib/ Diff File
mod - Modules/Scripted/EditorLib/ Diff File
mod - Modules/Scripted/EditorLib/ Diff File
mod - Modules/Scripted/EditorLib/ Diff File
mod - Modules/Scripted/EditorLib/ Diff File